Do you have something important that you want to hide from your parents or friends? Well, then check out this tutorial. In this video, you will learn how to take an ordinary Pepsi bottle and turn it i ...

Looking for somewhere to hide your things so that no thieves will take them? Why not try hide them inside that old Hanson or Backstreet Boys CD? If you have out of date CDs that you are no longer list ...

In this tutorial, learn how to use an ordinary deck of cards and make them into a safe for your personal belongings. This is a great little device for hiding things in plain sight like money, jewelry ...

In this tutorial, learn how to trick your friends with this cool con. Bet your buddy that you can pass a large object through a tiny one inch piece of paper. They won't believe you but you can prove t ...

Being able to pick a lock is considered to be a rite of passage for boys, especially those with aspirations of becoming a professional pirate/ninja, also known as a computer engineer.Pick your way to ...

We now officially have a new use for Coke cans that has out-cooled Lady Gaga's Coke can curls from her video for "Telephone." Learn how to tear apart a lock with a Coke can by watching this video. All ...

Want a free meal at McDonald's restaurant? Forget those money-saving (supposedly) weekly coupons, that's nothing compared to an actual free meal. Coupons won't get you that. But this method of free ...

A crowded elevator is no fun, especially when you are in a hurry. So, if you would like to get where you are going faster, check out this con. In this video, you will learn how to hack a typical eleva ...

There are plenty of tricks for escaping from traditional police cuffs out there, but what about those plastic zip tie type ones? The plastic they use to make these cuffs is so thick that you can't pos ...